05-30-2008, 08:41 PM
Quote:*Raises Hand In Class* "I know the answer to this one!"
Yes, because your HD is connected to your router which is connected to the internet.
Yes I believe technically, but most routers have a good hardware firewall which will be "stealth" to port probes. So my JQP-average-user knowledge tells me your network is quite secure from an internet -> HD probe, having to A) figure out there's actually a connection at your IP, andB)crack the HD password.
Quote:Yes. Go to My Computer. Set your view settings. Go to TOOLS/FOLDER OPTIONS/VIEW. Check off however you want your folder settings then click APPLY TO ALL FOLDERS. Simple at that.
EDIT - I assume your using XP? If not, windows 2000 and ME shoud be similar however I have never used Vista!
I don't think it's quite that simple, MEAT:) I believe he's saying that he wants some folders (and all its subfolders) one way, but some another way; not setting a system-wide default. Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe that's what your method does.
I'd be interested in knowing if there is a way to do what he's asking, because it's a problem I run into a lot at work.