05-27-2008, 08:30 PM
Quote:ZA harder then SSC what? For us ZA hit in between Vashj and Kael, so we weren't totally out gearing it. I think it was a 2 day clear the first time, and we were pushing for bears not long after that. SSC took months to work through. I really really doubt that you took longer to clear ZA then you did SSC.
With the exception of Vashj, and with the two at their current nerf states? Yes, easily. We don't 8 man most of the bosses in ZA. We have 20 manned everything in SSC except Vashj. Oh wait, it was 21 for the Karathress pull but someone died 3s in so it might as well have been 20. We also worry a lot less about group composition for successful SSC than we do about it in ZA. We are lot more comfortable taking someone in all greens who has never raided before into SSC than we are taking them into ZA. And the first 3 bosses in Hyjal I think are probably easier than SSC, but Hyjal is another story.
And it is hard for me to say exactly how long something took us to learn since our raid time is very much scattered. We generally get 2 25 mans a week though not this last month. We generally get 2-3 10 mans a week some are often after the 25 man. So I base learning on number of wipes before a kill as it can literally be 3 weeks between pulls of a boss. Most SSC bosses were in the 5 +/-2 range. The bear boss in ZA was 2 wipes on the PTR before the kill sure, but it was 5 or so on most of the others and since we didn't have a pally tank with us the first time we saw the dragonhawk it was way more than 5 on him.
Of course I can't say for sure on Vashj. I think we've only had 5 real pulls on her at this point and no we haven't killed her or Kael. And I don't count body pulls or stuff like that before folks are ready in that metric of pulls before kill but I do count everyone is ready but something really dumb happens and you wipe within 15s.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.