Tanking Quiz!
Quote:1) There are 3 stats that improve a warrior tank's threat generation. Which are those stats. (bonus if in order from better to worse).
There are far more than 3. Block rating is the best however. I'll say hit rating is #2, but after that? Expertise, crit chance, attack power, parry rating, armor penetration... hell even spell damage gives something to thunderclap.

Quote:2) What Cloak enchant is better for a warrior tank? 12 defense, 12 agi or 12 dodge? (bonus if in order)
This is so situational and personal preference. I'd go with 12 defense personally, followed by agility and last dodge. Dodge gives the most evasion but unless that puts you at some magic number the other 2 are better for stunned "evasion" or threat gen imo.

Quote:3) What is the worst tanking stat an item could have while aiming for uncrushability, and why?
Strength, because the block value it adds is so minimal. (EDIT: misread the question) The answer is still the same though. Strength doesn't add anything, neither does block value both of which are "tanking stats".

Quote:4) You are tanking Teron Gorefiend, you pop bloodrage and run in. What is the first ability you need to use when you run in?
This is one I had to look at bosskillers for. According to them he hits hard but it didn't look that bad to me the one time I did it (though I didn't tank it). personally, I pop berserker rage, then defensive stance, THEN blood rage, but if the guy hits really hard it would be shield block for the uncrushability. Still, is this "needed"?

Quote:5) On an untauntable mob, you have the job of building second aggro. What ability you do not want to be using under normal circumstances when building second aggro as a warrior, and why?
Heroic strike, because you won't generate rage eating your auto attack with it.

Quote:6) Normally on many heroic bosses, when running with one of our mages, the Warrior tank would ask him to pull the boss with a Pyroblast with all he's got. Why would I do this? (tip: no, its not to get him killed lol)
Sounds like an epeen "look what I can do" taunt. It's risky and not worth it if the taunt resists.

Quote:7) In Sunwell Plateau, the first boss fight has a demon that performs an ability called Corrupting Strike. This ability deals a vast amount of damage and also knocks the tank down. What makes this ability so dangerous, and why?
Stunned = no evasion = crushable. At low health this is very bad.

Quote:8) Illidan Stormrage performs an ability called Shear, which greatly reduces your health, turning any hit in a posible one shot on the tank. As a warrior you avoid this ability by timing your shield block. But since you need to time your shield block, you cant use it freely, so: How do you avoid Illidan crushing you?
I've not done this fight yet but I've heard Illidan can't crush. Reading the strat on bosskillers hints he can. If that is the case there would be no way to avoid it other than stack avoidance to an ubsurd level.

Quote:9) Warriors are normally the best tanks against elemental type of mobs (like Ragnaros or Hydross). Why is this?
Spell damage ignores armor so it needs to be reduced and resisted. Improved defensive stance gives 16% spell damage reduction while pallys only have 10% when talented. Druids get no reduction to spell damage, talented or otherwise.

Messages In This Thread
Tanking Quiz! - by Bolty - 04-22-2008, 06:26 PM
Tanking Quiz! - by Concillian - 04-22-2008, 07:24 PM
Tanking Quiz! - by Mordekhuul - 04-22-2008, 08:13 PM
Tanking Quiz! - by Jester - 04-22-2008, 09:37 PM
Tanking Quiz! - by Pantalaimon - 04-22-2008, 10:00 PM
Tanking Quiz! - by Mordekhuul - 04-22-2008, 10:05 PM
Tanking Quiz! - by Shamago - 04-22-2008, 10:19 PM
Tanking Quiz! - by Shamago - 04-22-2008, 10:21 PM
Tanking Quiz! - by Icebird - 04-22-2008, 10:29 PM
Tanking Quiz! - by TheDragoon - 04-22-2008, 10:49 PM
Tanking Quiz! - by Lissa - 04-25-2008, 02:34 AM
Tanking Quiz! - by Sir_Die_alot - 04-26-2008, 05:56 AM
Tanking Quiz! - by Skandranon - 04-29-2008, 04:26 PM
Tanking Quiz! - by Taelas - 05-06-2008, 10:04 AM

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