Calling all Utahan's, Utan's, Ute's or whatevers :)
Quote:Thanks for that, Van. :) When I stumbled across this watering hole, Bolty was the sole proprietor. Some of the more interesting threads were flame wars though. :whistling:

*wanders off to see if she can find the epic one over Anonymous Coward* :lol:

Now there's a blast from the past. That name brings back memories of crazy Diablo variants, the ME mod, all night games of Heroes III, Subspace, (never getting anything done in life except playing computer games and reading Diablo forums), "Get Back in Your Cage, Now!", and lots of drama on the Lurker Lounge. Some weeks ago I was doing a web search for info on Securom and why people hate it, and it led to a thread on Slashdot where an Anonymous Coward was proclaiming the evils of Sony. I could only laugh.

The first time I heard the phrase "Lurker Lounge"... it was probably Van referencing things before my time.;) Ogden's Tavern had no shortage of brawls though, I do remember that much.

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Calling all Utahan's, Utan's, Ute's or whatevers :) - by Nystul - 04-11-2008, 05:21 PM

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