eePanels2 & Bongos3 Questions
Quote:Hmm. So, say, for the bottom 5x1 bar, say the keys are numbered as follows:
1 2 3 4 5

Are you using Action Sets set to 3 with shift and alt as the two modifiers, or are you truly paging where once you change pages it sticks until you change again?

If you are using Action Sets, how did you bind a key to the regular, shift-, and alt- versions of, say, button 4? Did you simply enter key binding mode in Bongos3, hover your mouse over button 4, then hit (if the hotkeys are 5, shift-f, alt-5) f, shift-f, alt-f?

For me, having done it that way, if I hit shift-f really fast, it will sometimes cast the spell I have on the unmodified bar of button 4 (the one I'm supposed to only cast if I hit 5).

If not, how did you bind the keys? Maybe I'm doing something wrong.

Well I created 4 5x1 action bars. Each bar I set to 3 action sets and set shift to use action set 2 and alt to use action set 3. The keybindings were mapped as follows

Bar 1 = 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
Bar 2 = q - w - e - r - t
Bar 3 = a - s - d - f - g
Bar 4 = z - x - c - v - b

So I put bongos into keybinding mode and mapped all keys 1-b, then I held shift and did the same thing 1-b, finally I held alt and pushed 1-b as I moved the mouse from one button to the next. That is the procedure I used to setup the bars and the bindings.

Sounds like the same procedure you used to setup your bindings. I'm not sure why you are getting the mis cast. I've never seen it happen to me, and when I try to "make" it happen I can't get it to work.


P.S. the only different I can tell is that you use 5, shift-f, and alt-5 on the same button where I always use the same key 5, shift-5, alt-5


Messages In This Thread
eePanels2 & Bongos3 Questions - by Mordekhuul - 04-08-2008, 03:34 PM
eePanels2 & Bongos3 Questions - by Mordekhuul - 04-08-2008, 04:46 PM
eePanels2 & Bongos3 Questions - by Taelas - 04-08-2008, 05:29 PM
eePanels2 & Bongos3 Questions - by Mordekhuul - 04-08-2008, 07:18 PM
eePanels2 & Bongos3 Questions - by Pantalaimon - 04-08-2008, 09:33 PM
eePanels2 & Bongos3 Questions - by Taelas - 04-08-2008, 09:51 PM
eePanels2 & Bongos3 Questions - by PapaSmurf - 04-09-2008, 04:56 AM
eePanels2 & Bongos3 Questions - by Mordekhuul - 04-09-2008, 02:38 PM
eePanels2 & Bongos3 Questions - by PapaSmurf - 04-09-2008, 11:56 PM

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