01-08-2009, 03:08 PM
Quote:Uh, yeah, you should.
You should need to go train Kick and learn how to use it. You should have to burst the healer hard while he's locked out of his spell school so that he can't keep up with the deficit when he can start healing again.
Arena is not supposed to be about button-mashing, ten-second matches. The entire purpose of adding the Resilience stat into the game was to prevent exactly this. Remember vanilla WoW PvP? Where there was no Resilience and even the PvP gear wasn't loaded down with STA? High-end Warriors would instagib people (and clothies in particular) right and left; there was almost no point to healing at all, because there's no way you could keep someone up when they're taking 3k crits every 2 seconds out of a 5k health pool. And it's disturbingly similar, the way it is now, only the numbers are bigger; you're seeing people eat 4-5k crits out of a 16-18k health pool. Yeah, you'll live a little longer, but it's still very hard to keep people up when they're eating that much raw DPS, especially if the healer's the one that's getting it.
I do think that increased Resilience (and I seriously think the S5 sets need more of it; Blizzard is starting us out much too low) and Stamina will reduce the amount of instagibbing we see right now, but part of it is that DPS is somewhat too strong right now; I don't think there's anyone out there that will tell you that Retribution damage is completely fine and do it with a straight face.
I'm fine with them wanting to lessen the likelihood that you'll run into 15-minute 2's matches (though I personally enjoyed them), but removing the thinking part of the game ain't the way to do it. To kill a healer with less than three or four people, you should be required to use your abilities intelligently, and a single DPS killing a healer should require excellent timing and prediction.
For most teams, healers are their most valuable resource. You shouldn't be able to go tell your Retardin or DK to go over and instagib that annoying healer; it should be a fight to get rid of the healer, not the casual stun-judge-swing-dead crap we see now.
I wasn't clear - my apologies. You shouldn't have do do ALL of those things together to be able to kill certain healers. I'm not saying that healers shouldn't have a fighting chance (I did after all play a paladin healer in arenas) nor am I saying good tactics should replace dps. But in the situations GC was talking about - 2 dps on a healer - the dps should win.