Is Obama hurting the Democratic Party by not joining forces with Hilla
Quote:Yes, I'm sure it's everything about government powers and nothing about wanting to pander to the right for something that should not be negotiable.

Anyone willing to believe McCain now is anything like he said he was in 2000 is being delusional. Here's a guy who helped campaign finance reform, right? Too bad he's breaking the rules and getting away with it when it comes to campaign financing. In the middle of a difficult decision, the economic stimulus package, where McCain touted his own plan and then had to weigh in on the measure of the Senate? He didn't vote. How about FISA, where the Senate ridiculously tried to give retroactive immunity to the phone companies for helping the government spy on us? McCain voted to keep the immunity in (Clinton, by the way, didn't vote). At least the House is standing up for us there. McCain claimed Bush's tax cuts were explicitly for the rich and voted against them - now he says he'll make them permanent. He hates lobbying, but his campaign staff is literally crawling with lobbyists.

McCain is a panderer, plain and simple.

In regards to his overspending via the loan, it 'may' (or may not) be a crime, but something so trivial I can live with in comparison to the other candidates.

As for the whole taxes bit, I can't find any information to substantiate what you claim about McCain making the tax cuts for the super rich permanent. However, I did find some over interesting information here and here. From what I see he plans on doing, his budget/tax reform should really stimulate the economy and strengthen the middle class, the ones who need the most help IMO. After Bush took office, there is practically no middle class anymore.
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin

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Is Obama hurting the Democratic Party by not joining forces with Hilla - by Taem - 03-17-2008, 03:45 PM

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