Is Obama hurting the Democratic Party by not joining forces with Hilla
Quote:It's unfortunate misinformation get become stated as "fact" even in this day and age.

"Even in this day and age"??? This has been going on for eons.

And now you can see the problem with Fox "News". Most of it is just "opinions". First they recite an item that is one or two facts that have been twisted, then they go to some "expert", such as skeletor-maiden Ann Coulter, who rails nasty opinions, or someone else dressed nicely who gives the same negative spin, and then back to the anchors who wrap it all up with some historical "facts" that cast the same negative light -- and then if it's an election year they cut to scenes of their favorite candidate campaigning on the issue.

My parents watch Fox and listen to Rush and they've told me:
- Obama is a big racist, because his pastor is one
- The Arctic Ocean has frozen this winter the most in thousands of years

My reaction to the 2nd was WTF? I looked up what they were talking about. It seems we're in a La Nina, and we've had the coldest winter (globally) in about 12 years. But the way the retros on the Web were talking, it had "counteracted 100 years of warming." Pure BS. And the way my parents remember it from Fox was that the ice was spread the most in a thousand years. A much bigger pile of pure BS. To put it in terms a Republican might understand, it's like saying that stocks are not going up in general because some days the DOW drops 2 or 3 hundred points.

I've also heard Rush say that all the species going extinct lately is a "hoax". His proof? That scientists have been finding new species in places like New Guinea. What a big effin arsehole, what drug is he on now? BTW, Rush is an entertainer, not a scientist. Obviously.

Anyway, "this day and age" -- I guess youngsters figure that the truth is more evident with all this technology, but to me it seems the opposite: the technology is just making the lies travel faster and corroborate each other faster.

BRACE YOURSELF for 8 more months of Rovian Lies! Do you think that Rove left the white house because the pres didn't want him any more?? No, Rove left so that he can sabotage the Democrats. Prepare for the likes of Swift Boats and Black Bastard Babies. DON'T BELIEVE WHAT YOU HEAR! Wait for proof! Wait for "proof" to be scrutinized! (Remember those forged documents about Bush's Natl Guard time?) Exercise skepticism!


ps. I don't think McCain would allow Rove in the White House, but once the conservatives remove Pres. McCain, Rove will be back!

edit: Had to kick out Ms. Pelling

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Is Obama hurting the Democratic Party by not joining forces with Hilla - by Vandiablo - 03-17-2008, 05:14 AM

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