06-13-2003, 11:14 PM
One thing that needs to be pointed out though is that one Ravenfrost ring is equivilant to around 400% cold resistance when you factor in the piercing aspect vs the cold absorb. I don't know the exact post that has all the number crunching, it was quite a while ago 8 months at least. Put on a second ring along with 75% base resists and cold spells almost heal people no matter how much cold mastery you have. As it is Cold Absorb is overpowered in PvP.
Blizzard would be an awsome spell if it was more reliable hitting things, right now you spend so much time either positioning your Blizzard or having the shards miss their target that Frozen Orb outshines it in every way. It is a pity to I like Blizzard much better than Frozen Orb.
Blizzard would be an awsome spell if it was more reliable hitting things, right now you spend so much time either positioning your Blizzard or having the shards miss their target that Frozen Orb outshines it in every way. It is a pity to I like Blizzard much better than Frozen Orb.