01-11-2009, 08:33 PM
Quote:Ghost wolf has a cast time, and can be dispelled. Not exactly the same.Ghost Wolf has a cast time of zero for any shaman I would bring to arena, and can be dispelled but not, as far as I know, by any druid.
Ghost Wolf: 3% of Base Mana
Travel Form: 13% of Base Mana
I am no arena expert, but one of my favorite 2v2 arena matches was when, after a long chase, my shaman finally caught and killed the resto druid in their team's starting area. About the same time my priest partner finished off the warrior. Had the warrior been able to keep my shaman hamstrung things might have gone differently.
Worst group member? That's easy. My hunter was running UBRS. We knew who the other skinners were, and there were several. http://www.wowwiki.com/Finkle's_Skinner dropped. Loot was on group loot. Raid leader said: "Only skinners roll." Woad was high. I was high too. Then after a brief pause the dagger went to a non-skinning rogue. "It's an upgrade for me," said the rogue as they were kicked. We finished the run one member short.
It took another year for Woad to finally get Finkle's. It's been in her inventory ever since, and just last month it was what she used to level her dagger skill to 400. And Lok'delar was what she used to level staves.
"I may be old, but I'm not dead."