Quote:So while large and diverse is good if you have a bunch of people who understand the BG well, it's quite the curse when you have a real-world situation where you have some buffons who do more harm than good. The bad comes with the good, and potentially makes matches overly frustrating. I doubt they will be able to remove this aspect from any large and diverse battleground.
Maybe my perception of AV was different, but back in the day with the way it was designed (especially before the whole 'honor points' introduction, but I'm thinking mainly long before, when it was first introduced)... sure you'd try for a win if you could to complete the quest for the Ice Barbed Spear or whatever, but most people were there to get their rep points (and then leave). Not many people could afford to stay around for the 10 or 20 hours that it might take to run one to completion. And that's what I'm trying to get at... let the battle rage on for hours on end, and don't make the whole point of playing the battleground to win. Design it to be anarchy. If some people want to farm their HK's, let them. If it ends up being a big turtle at the field of strife, or wherever else, so be it. Let it be like the old Southshore-Tarren Mill days of old. Without a winning objective to worry about, you don't have to get frustrated about the buffoons who aren't working towards it properly.
I guess some would ask, "What's the point in playing if there's no way to win, or if winning doesn't matter." You'd have to design the reward system around certain achievements within the fight, whether it be racking up a couple hundred HK's or whatever. Yeah, I guess that example would caters a bit more to the clueless, but judging from what often happens inside WSG/AB when people fight on the road without watching the flags... I think it'd fit them just fine. AV used to be my stressbreaker BG... run in, pick some fights, have some fun, charge into the front lines and see how many people would chase you back instead of pushing forwards... because at least for me because of how the reward system used to be... it *wasn't* about winning. Sure, winning got you closer to exalted faster, but you didn't necessarily have to accomplish it. And hence you were much less dependent on getting everyone on the same boat... but if you happened to manage it, hey, the win was a nice bonus.
Kichebo - 85 NE Druid
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
Kichebo - 85 NE Druid
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.