12-13-2007, 06:38 PM
Quote:Probably a lot of people right now are waiting for the 1.0 patch to see what happens because as of right now, they've dropped the ball for single player patching (IIRC, only 0.4 fixed issues in SP, the rest have all be for MP and a lot of the fixes they did in MP address issues that are also in SP).
Yeah, I'm lurking over on the official boards and reading something about a global feed reduction which sounds great, but my gaming PC has no internet connection and apparently there's no way to patch other than the game's front end so I'm stuck with the release version. :angry:
And while the game definitely has issues, I haven't run into any game-breaking bugs yet. There've been a couple weird and annoying ones, but playing SP I can copy and backup my character files regularly. The game itself is fun and I've been hankering for mindless Diablo-style hack-n-slash for awhile anyway (in fact I was looking for a Titan Quest Gold box when I spotted Hellgate).
I just wish you could swing a sword while moving. The melee combat feels so stiff. <_<