01-19-2009, 08:20 PM
Quote:Ok, I had a look around Be Imba! and used the toon named in your profile for it. It came back with a hunter who had the problem you describe. So I figure I got the right one.My hunter has between 8% and 9% +hit. There is much discussion on sites such as EJ that 8% is the cap not 9%. I can report that with less than 9% neither my pet nor hunter ever miss even against raid bosses, except when the hunter dual wields in melee. I am convinced 8% is the magic number. My advice would be to gem/enchant for +hit till you reach 8% before working on other stats. I would not put points in Focused Aim.
First off, I'm going to go out on a bit of a limb and say that +hit, in heroics, isn't THAT important. It is important, but I recall as I was levelling up and going into Heroics that until I had done some, I had gear with very little +hit. You don't want to be missing every other shot, of course, but missing once in a blue moon won't out and out kill your dps.
One thing to remember is that the 9% hit cap is for things that are +3 levels to you. Which tend to only be Heroic bosses, or raid mobs/bosses. So if you aren't raiding, you don't (imo) have to worry about hitting the magical 9% too much.
I had a quick look at your spec, and with your current +hit, what I would do is drop 3 points into Focused Aim. You get +3% hit for 3 talent points. One of the better tradeoffs hunters have. ;) Sure, your pet won't benefit from the +hit, but you will. With your current +hit and the +hit from Focused Aim, you should be set well into Heroics, and even some early raiding (if you choose to do so). Beyond that, you can gem/enchant how you want to. That one talent would bump your 4.21% up to 7.21%...which should be plenty for anything not a Boss level mob.
I do like Be Imba! but keep in mind that it's major "tuning" focus is high end game raiding. So you have to temper what it's trying to tell you with what your goals in the game are.
Look for attainable gear with +hit. Ring of Foul Mojo is a great hunter ring with +hit. The quest for it is an instance quest that can be done solo. Fang of Truth is a good sword obtained at honored with Wyrmrest. A pair of those will do wonders for your hit raiting.
Now if I could only figure out how to get my hunter invited to heroics and more raids.
"I may be old, but I'm not dead."