11-14-2007, 07:48 PM
Quote:The Armory is borked. Either that, or Cleoboltra has amazingly placed 3 talent points into Searing Light, and 5 points into Pain Suppression! So I can cast Pain Suppression 5 times without cooldown? That's mad skills, yo.
Also, player names/titles have wildcards in them, as in "%s, Champion of the Naaru".
In non-bug news, Discipline is hawt. Very hawt. I'm still playing with specs, but egads is it a good pvp tree now.
The armory also doesn't have the ZA loot. Kamgreyhoof got the tanking boots from the bear boss in ZA last night. He's wearing them right now. The armory is reflecting his stats with those boots on but shows him with nothing in the boot slot. :) So my totals are right but it looks like I'm getting that without any boots.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.