11-02-2007, 10:02 PM
I'm playing it and I'm enjoying it.
3 character slots is punative, no matter how you look at it. It compares unfavorably with everything on your list except Diablo 1, which is 11 years old. 3 is less then the number of classes. 3 is unbelievably harsh in a game that allows no respecs. If I'm playing with my buddy the guardian, I probably want to summon the witchdocter. If he quits, I have to **Delete** the character and start over, because you pretty much need a Carnigore to solo. If he starts playing again, I have to **Delete** my toon again. 3 is just unfair.
Asking to sub for new content is fair enough. If there were 8ish slots and a sub expanded it to 20, that would be a nice benefit. 3 characters and the tiny stash feel like they are punishing people to drive subscription rates, because they really don't have a clear idea what the new content is going to be.
3 character slots is punative, no matter how you look at it. It compares unfavorably with everything on your list except Diablo 1, which is 11 years old. 3 is less then the number of classes. 3 is unbelievably harsh in a game that allows no respecs. If I'm playing with my buddy the guardian, I probably want to summon the witchdocter. If he quits, I have to **Delete** the character and start over, because you pretty much need a Carnigore to solo. If he starts playing again, I have to **Delete** my toon again. 3 is just unfair.
Asking to sub for new content is fair enough. If there were 8ish slots and a sub expanded it to 20, that would be a nice benefit. 3 characters and the tiny stash feel like they are punishing people to drive subscription rates, because they really don't have a clear idea what the new content is going to be.