Judgement Day II: 112,000 Accounts Closed
The way I look at it, yes, it is in violation. It alters the way the game is displayed.

Strictly speaking it is a cheat as well, since it allows you to play by different rules than others in the game. You're display draws differently than theirs and they did not expressly consent to this.

If you think a cheat requires giving you some sort of advantage (and by the definition it doesn't), that sill applies to D2 accelerator as well since it allows you to see the screen better with some skills allowing you to react better, especially with skills like Blizzard or Frozen orb.

[edit]Hit submit by accident... I don't really consider using it to be all that big of a deal though, and I use it on my slower machines, but technically it is cheating and it is in violation of the TOS. [/edit]
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.

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Judgement Day II: 112,000 Accounts Closed - by Kevin - 06-10-2003, 09:43 PM

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