Quote:WoW is amazing, but not casual gamer friendly. My hope is this is not the case with HG:L. If it really is a successor to d2...oh...*salivate*
WoW really had a beautifully created world (which I loved) and a huge amount of content --- I'm sure all the more now with the resources available from it's success. It also presented real challenges and a sense of achievement in overcoming them. But its problem, from my perspective, was not so much that it wasn't casual gamer friendly: more that it (and any other similar MMORPG) made any kind of solo gaming pointless (except beyond collecting stuff to use in a later group effort) after a relatively brief start-up phase, and that any progress required huge investments of time. So, if by "casual" gamer you mean someone who doesn't always want to play in a group, and who doesn't want to block off 5 hours on night x to go on raid y (or, perhaps, engage in prolonged drama about who gets loot z, or even worse managed to wipe raid y), then for sure I'm a casual gamer.
Anyway, I didn't consider the original Diablo to be a necessarily "casual" game, and I hope HG:l isn't either, even without the resources WoW has; but as you say we can only hope and see what happens when it comes out.