06-10-2003, 10:58 AM
And it works just fine, except in Blizzard's own incarnation (-10 to +60 AC based on time) which they disabled in magicaffix.txt when they discovered that negative min and positive max values didn't really work. ('Why not change it to 10 instead of -10? It's not as if 60 AC is so godly after all. Nah, that'd mean we have to type TWO digits instead of just a zero in Spawnable. Means we can play 0.7 seconds less of World of Warcraft!...')
Nothing is impossible if you believe in it enough.
Median 2008 mod for Diablo II
<span style="color:gray">New skills, new AIs, new items, new challenges...
06.dec.2006: Median 2008 1.44
Median 2008 mod for Diablo II
<span style="color:gray">New skills, new AIs, new items, new challenges...
06.dec.2006: Median 2008 1.44