12-01-2008, 03:34 PM
Quote:Sapphiron is the hardest fight in the instance, by a long shot. Mainly because of the massive amount of incoming damage on the whole raid, and the large hitbox (makes positioning a challenge for the tank). KT is a giant snoozefest, we almost got him on our first pull (20%).
Malygos looks to be a bit harder, but not much.
I know Blizz wanted to throw a bone to the 'casual' guilds, but there are pugs clearing big chunks of Naxx25 already. I imagine any guild that can come up with 25 people of a reasonable class balance will roll over the place pretty quickly, no matter how casual they are. Overall I am really let down by the difficulty level of this expansion.
I wouldn't judge an expansion on the entry level raid dungeons. Blizzard has stated over and over they are trying something new here and making the first round of raid dungeons much more accessible to the general wow population, in ways even Karazhan was not (Kara had road blocks in it).
I do, however, wish that initial WotLK release had contained ZERO raid dungeons, with the possible exception of the Wintergrasp boss. I find that the 5 man heroics contain some really fun challenges at our current gear levels, and would really enjoy spending the next month maxing our gear levels in them.
Instead we have double Naxx10 raids planned tonight, and will most likely be running Naxx25 on Wednesday, meaning the start of a fairly normal raid schedule that leaves less time for heroics.
Jormuttar is Soo Fat...