discussion about heroics. Looking for opinions from 80's
Quote:Ok, I just dinged 80 this week, and I'm wondering what heroics are like? Are they harder than TBC heroics? Easier? I have heard both ingame, and I'm looking for some lurker opinions (because you can never trust trade chat farther than you can throw hogger) Am I going to need to farm for more to run heroics? Do we (the Terenas Lurkers) have groups running heroics? I know that we have about 8-10 80's now, and I wasn't sure what you guys were doing as far as end game content.

I'm working on the Sons of Hodir line and farming mats for the epic BS mace, and Epic DPS helm. (man that's a lot of titansteel.)

Well I'm learning many of these instances on the heroic level having not run them on normal and I don't find them overly difficult. My biggest issue is the fact that I'm in a mixture of 80 and 70 gear.:P

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discussion about heroics. Looking for opinions from 80's - by Tal - 12-03-2008, 04:14 PM

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