08-25-2007, 09:16 PM
I would add that Tree druids are amazing healers for multiple main tanks, as well. If they can trinket up to a very high level of +heal and then start a rolling stack of Lifebloom (which will keep the high level of +heal as long as you keep it rolling), they can get up into rather ludicrous levels of healing throughput. I've heard stories of 3000 hp worth of heal per second, per tank, every second from Trees. Not only is that a huge amount of total healing, but it is very regular and can help buy time for other healers to drop the big single-target heals if a tank takes a big spike of damage. And since Lifebloom is dirt cheap, it doesn't really matter if a lot of the ticks aren't doing much good. It's basically the same as the Flash of Light, it costs so little that it's just about free healing that can help stabilize situations. :)