Upcoming games that makes me glad I'm a species born with opposabl
Quote:I think you're missing what I'm saying Bun. MS is supporting HD to hurt Sony, not just in the console market, but in other markets too. Sony and MS share more than just the console space where each company's finger touch different pies. If MS can get Sony to go under, that gives them more ability to sell in those area that the two are competitors. This is MS going after Sony to get them out of markets they share (and it's more than consoles). Sony has wrapped up a lot of their monies in Blu-ray and if it fails, Sony is going to fail as well (this is just like the VHS/Betamax war, the Betamax people ended up dying off because of Sony who was the originator of VHS).

I think we're almost in agreement now.:)

My original point was that MS cut their deal not to create HD-DVD dominance, and not to sell more consoles, but to undermine the entire generation of physical-delivery media in favor of digital downloads.

You may think this is more aimed at Sony than I do; that's a matter of degree. MS in control certainly does Sony no good. If Sony is destroyed, that certainly removes a competitor in many markets. I'm skeptical as to the viability of "destroying" Sony, since, as Chesspiece pointed out, your VHS/Betamax example is backwards, and Sony is still around.
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Upcoming games that makes me glad I'm a species born with opposabl - by Bun-Bun - 08-23-2007, 04:31 PM

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