08-21-2007, 09:37 PM
Quote:Another thing to note about the two formats, right now HD has the ability to hit 50 G of space on a single disk while Blueray is struggling to hit 25 G. If the drives get down in price, can achieve rewritable access, and someone produces these drives for computers, HD will get a major coupe. Overall, Blueray has some very steep technology hurdles to overcome that HD has already gotten over. If more information on these techonology hurdles comes to light, HD is going to start looking better and better over Blueray.
I don't think it matters. Either technology is sufficient to get the job done. Drives for computers will be a small fraction of the standalone mass-market, and won't have much influence. The determinant of a winner, if any, is the format that has the movies people want to see (and own). Right now, that's a split decision, with disc sales tipping in Blu-Ray's favor.
What's really interesting is the ~$150 million Microsoft paid Paramount and Dreamworks to keep HD-DVD on life support. It looks like they don't want a winner in this war. They'd rather they both fail and provide direct downloads as the only viable alternative.