Quote:With sales of Blu-ray high-definition video discs three times those of rival HD DVDs and with some retailers even refusing to stock HD DVDs, analysts were puzzling Monday over an announcement by Paramount/DreamWorks to release movies in the future exclusively in the HD DVD format. Some openly speculated that a fix was in -- that the HD DVD group had paid Paramount/DreamWorks a significant fee to secure exclusivity for their format.
Andy Parsons, who heads the promotions committee of the Blu-ray Disc Association, fell short of accusing the HD DVD association of bribing the recently conjoined studios, saying that "we can only imagine what could have enticed Paramount to walk away from a format that is clearly selling significantly more software than the HD-DVD format."
Several analysts suggested that the real loser will be high-definition video generally, with consumers reluctant to buy new players for either format until one or the other wins out. That could take a long time, Jan Saxton of Adams Media Research told the Los Angeles Times. "Most people are not aware that the original video format [battle] between Betamax and VHS lasted 10 years," he said.
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