Upcoming games that makes me glad I'm a species born with opposabl
Quote:(that title should've read: Upcoming games that makes me glad I'm a species born with opposable thumbs.
Apparently it was too long and the forum chopped it off. The title only thankfully and not my thumbs.)
- Metal Gear Solid 4
(I'm hoping this will not be delayed.)
Too late. MGS4 delay has already been announced. Expect it Q1/Q2 2008. Will be worth the wait though. No question about it. Have you seen the last trailer with the fight between the two characters from Sons of Liberty? Breathtakingly awesome!


As for other games, in the realm of RPGs, I'm looking forward to Fallout 3 and Hellgate: London. FPS-wise, Crysis and Bioshock are both :w00t:and :shuriken:. Guitar Hero 3 is also very high on my list. Latest news said Metallica's "One" will be featured. Can't wait for the 'machinegun-section' with semiquaver-triplets!!

The game on the very top of my list, however, is Rock Band. For the 2 or 3 of you out there who have no idea what this is... shame!

Rock Band is game that takes the premise of Guitar Hero, and cranks it up a couple of notches. In addition to being able to play guitar on a wide selection of rock classics, you'll also be able to sing as well as play the drums and bass. There are a couple of video-clips out there on the net. The first we ever got to see of Rock Band was Guns and Roses - Welcome to the Jungle

This is from Gamespot's coverage of E3 this year: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjrhM1Nh7PI
It's the Rock Band stage show. 40 minutes long, but still very cool! Highly recommended:)

Can't wait for this game. I'm a drummer myself, but I've enjoyed Guitar Hero with a passion. Can't wait to get the feel of the drum kit for Rock Band.


Edit: For more information on Rock Band, see http://www.gamespot.com/ps3/puzzle/rockban...g=tabs;previews

For Metallica-fans, I can tell you that Enter Sandman will be available at the launch of the game, and large chunks of their back-catalogue will be available for download some time in the future. For Rock Band, it's not just one or two songs by a single artist, but rather whole albums. MTV and EA are large contributors to Rock Band, and they've got a lot more backing than they did for Guitar Hero.
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Upcoming games that makes me glad I'm a species born with opposabl - by [wcip]Angel - 08-17-2007, 03:12 PM

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