Upcoming games that makes me glad I'm a species born with opposabl
*Deep Breath*

BioShock - ohmygodohmygodohmygod... technically this isn't an upcoming game for me because it is presently sitting in my 360. This is probably one of the best games ever. Seriously, buy this game. Some people will claim that this type of game needs to be played on the PC because you neeeeed to have K+M to truly play a FPS but the controls on the 360 are very tight and if you happen to have a decent tv, playing this game on a bigscreen HD in the dark with the surround sound turned way up is the true experience.

Eternal Sonata - Ever since the demo hit for this game RPG fans have been drooling all over the internets. Forget Blue Dragon, Eternal Sonata is the real JRPG experience of 2007. Playing this game gave me the good ol' feeling i used to get with FFII, III, Chrono Trigger, etc.

Lost Odyssey - This one is actually a bit iffy for me. unlike Blue Dragon, this will probably be the Final Fantasy experience people have been looking for on the 360, but with all the other major hitters coming in the RPG lineup (See above and below) this one is the only one that still has question marks around it.

Guitar Hero III - What is there to say? Duh, this one is on the list. Plus presently this is THE guitar controller for the next generation.

Rock Band - This one actually should be higher on the list if I were doing this in any sort of order, which i am not. As much as I love Guitar Hero, Rock Band is the next evolution. I actually have my doubts as to whether there will be a Guitar Hero IV. (and if they do make one i have great fears as to how badly they will mangle it to differentiate it from Rock Band.) If playing with a full band didn't sell you on this the massive downloadable content should just push it over the edge. This game is going to be huge. The only thing left in uncertainty is how Microsoft will deal with so many people upgrading their 20 gig hard drives to the 120 gigs so that they can store all the content.

Mass Effect - Thank god this game doesn't come out until november, maybe by that time my salivatory gland will have refilled after BioShock. I've got my Eternal Sonata JRPG coming, and this will not just satisfy my BioWare fix, but totally bring the house down. What you don't have a 360 yet? :blink:Here's your reason. Oh, and if you haven't noticed all the other games on this list are also 360. I hate to be a corporate shill, but when microsoft says they have the best holiday lineup ever this year they aren't just blowing smoke. it really is the best.

Also of note:
Super Puzzle Fighter HD Remix
Puzzle Quest
Space Giraffe
Two Worlds (yeah i know; bug bug bug, delay delay delay, what can i say i've just got a hankering to play oblivion multiplayer)

p.s. if you haven't noticed Halo 3 didn't make the cut. Honestly, i don't think i'll get this game. will it be good? definately. but, personally, deathmatch shooters only entertain me for about 2 weeks. If i were to put any FPS on here (I don't count BioShock or Mass Effect even with thier shooter content) it would be Call of Duty 4. That game is going to be really nice. plus the developers are smart enough to realize that putting achievements into the multiplayer aspect of a FPS just ends up destroying the game experience and have limited achievements to the single player. now i can play a FPS without getting into a game with the settings all jacked up just so a couple random crankshafts can farm grenade kills.

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Upcoming games that makes me glad I'm a species born with opposabl - by Chesspiece_face - 08-17-2007, 12:41 AM

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