It appears that Kandrathe gave the 'proof' that was required from me :whistling:
"The pace of appreciation against the dollar demonstrated in early 2008 is welcome and should be continued."
Anyway, this report gives some pretty good insight in the current 'crisis' situation, if you take the trouble to read *all* of it.
Btw, are you sure about that link? It doesn't contain the quote you gave, as far as I can tell.
Quote:You have made a series of bold, unfounded, and wrong statements in this thread...Isn't it remarkable, how the US Treasury Department seems to go along with my bold claims? The conclusion of the report that Kandrathe quotes so generously, although he didn't provide the link, is that the department wants certain positive developments to go faster at times. Recently, however, there have been few complaints even on that point:
"The pace of appreciation against the dollar demonstrated in early 2008 is welcome and should be continued."
Anyway, this report gives some pretty good insight in the current 'crisis' situation, if you take the trouble to read *all* of it.
Quote:...meaning when that $700-billion bailout hits the taxpayers...As was said before, I don't think that is going to happen. Maybe some congress member will see opportunity to label a tax for it, but you will never be asked to pay the amounts calculated in this thread. The war in Iraq is a lot more 'costly'. How much extra taxes did you pay for that?
Btw, are you sure about that link? It doesn't contain the quote you gave, as far as I can tell.