07-19-2007, 04:20 PM
Quote:Blizzard made a new machinima music video: I am Murloc!
By the same group, Level 70 Elite Tauren Chieftain - L70ETC, their old WC3/Frozen Throne end credits song buried deep in your clients data:
Code:/script PlaySoundFile("Sound\\Music\\ZoneMusic\\DMF_L70ETC01.mp3")
Or if you prefer the Sin'dorei lament performed by Sylvanas herself:
Code:/script PlaySoundFile ("Sound\\Music\\GlueScreenMusic\\BCCredits_Lament_of_the_Highborne.mp3")
Holy crap! That song/video is made of pure win and good!
Not sure if this one has been mentioned before, but Hardware Store is very, very well done.
"You can build a perfect machine out of imperfect parts."
He's an old-fashioned Amish cyborg with no name. She's a virginal nymphomaniac fairy princess married to the Mob. Together, they fight crime!
The Blizzcon Class Discussion:
Crowd: "Our qq's will blot out the sun"
Warlocks: "Then we will pewpew in the shade"
He's an old-fashioned Amish cyborg with no name. She's a virginal nymphomaniac fairy princess married to the Mob. Together, they fight crime!
The Blizzcon Class Discussion:
Crowd: "Our qq's will blot out the sun"
Warlocks: "Then we will pewpew in the shade"