Stormrage - Karazhan Raid 2
We are going to Kara in cooperation with our friends at House Harpell. The plan is for us to take 5 people, and they'll take 5 people. That is subject to being able to fill key roles. Garek will be leading the raid.

Please sign up in this thread, and state your availability and preferred role(s), and what day or days you're available.

Raid time is 7:15 invites, 7:35 waitlist, 7:45 first pull. (Thanks, Ruv)

Preferred Role(s): (tank/dps/primary heal/secondary heal)
Day(s) available:

We don't expect people to respec for raids. We *do* expect you to be prepared, with consumables for your role.

Let's get this moving, and we will try to post a roster for Tuesday on Monday, since we're only posting this on Saturday. If you have multiple keyed toons, and are willing to come on either, please note that, and which one is preferred.

HH is doing their signups on their forum, and we will merge the signups to make a roster.


I'll be leading Friday, with Garek out of town.

Messages In This Thread
Stormrage - Karazhan Raid 2 - by Mavfin - 07-07-2007, 02:33 AM
Stormrage - Karazhan Raid 2 - by Mavfin - 07-07-2007, 02:34 AM
Stormrage - Karazhan Raid 2 - by Magix - 07-07-2007, 02:37 AM
Stormrage - Karazhan Raid 2 - by Shorty - 07-07-2007, 02:37 AM
Stormrage - Karazhan Raid 2 - by Ruvanal - 07-07-2007, 02:41 AM
Stormrage - Karazhan Raid 2 - by Sabra - 07-07-2007, 12:47 PM
Stormrage - Karazhan Raid 2 - by Magix - 07-07-2007, 07:13 PM
Stormrage - Karazhan Raid 2 - by foosdemigod - 07-08-2007, 05:05 AM
Stormrage - Karazhan Raid 2 - by Lightlady - 07-09-2007, 03:26 AM
Stormrage - Karazhan Raid 2 - by Pen - 07-10-2007, 01:58 AM
Stormrage - Karazhan Raid 2 - by Garek - 07-11-2007, 03:24 PM

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