06-30-2007, 03:25 AM
Quote:As always there are not enough talent points to go around. I disregarded the advice about Arcane Focus and assigned a full five points. My thinking is that few things are more embarrassing than a polymorph that fails.
Well, I agree that missing Polymorphs is pretty bad. But I'm not saying to disregard that; I'm saying that for the majority of the stuff you're running into, it isn't going to matter.
The spell chance to miss, according to level difference, is 4% for even-level, 5% for one level above, 6% for two levels above, and 17% for 3 levels above (orange con). With typical levelling styles, one generally doesn't regularly encounter orange-con critters. I know when I level, I try to avoid them.
Since there is a minimum chance to miss of 1%, for anything the same level as you, only one-and-a-half points of Arcane Focus (3%) are doing anything to affect your Polymorph failure rate. Past that, additional points in Arcane Focus are not altering the calculation in any way. For anything one level above you, only two points of Arcane Focus matter, and for anything two levels higher, only two-and-a-half points are actually taking effect. So for most commonly encountered situations, three points maxes out the benefit you can give to your Polymorph, and the remaining two points are literally of no effect whatsoever.