I'll say here what I said in a PM. I dont really see that there ever was a problem. We rotated people in when we could, but it was more than often about having reliable people. People that were on time, ready to raid and interested in seeing new content.
It isnt easy balancing the desires of more than 13-14 people in an instance for 10 people and I think Holy did a good job for the most part. I think the people that were present who werent guilded, Multanis for instance, more than deserved to be there and Id love to see him grab a guild invite just to quash all the squabbling.
Tal there might not be a way to fix it because I dont see a problem worth fixing. Who was missing out that was complaining? That might be a good place to start. However lets say we swapped someone who is a regular for someone who is new to the instance and isnt prepared for it-- How are we ever going to see progress if we have to re-explain every encounter to someone who isnt geared enough to be extemely useful in it anyhow? I dont really have any names offhand to place into the analogy truthfully, but its more of a worst case scenario.
As for loot, I did as fairly as I could. The drops however, are dictated by what the instance gives us and also, the progress we can attain in it. We just arent getting many Cloth DPS drops, we have recieved to date -- 2 Plate Tanking drops (One of which is a trash mob Boots of Elusion) and 1 DPS Warrior cloak. If someone sits with us in the instance and wipes over and over and over til we down something, yet hasnt recieved loot in 4 weeks or so...and something drops they can use, should I let everyone roll on it (Even those who have already recieved loot) just to make EVERYONE happy?
I.E. -- T4 hands dropped off of Curator. Weatherine hadnt gotten anything in 4 weeks of activity. Popar had been active for two weeks and gotten nothing, Thamelas had recieved 1 piece of loot and been active for 3. I gave the t4 hands to Weatherine. She deserved them and really wanted them as it were. Mail boots dropped in Chess for us that week, which is risk I took when I awarded them to her. So in the end Weatherine got two drops in the same night, but as far as Im concerned -- gratz to her, glad she got what she wanted. I think, overall, loot was handled quite well. If anyone has any questions I have a detailed notebook full of loot information. What dropped of which boss, and when. Also who got it, and how much they have recieved vs how many active weeks they have with us overall.
I just dont see where this problem arose from. Whose unhappy honestly that has a decent gripe about the way things were handled overall? If I had known someone was upset, I would have stepped out -- which I did last night for Shadowmagix so he could maybe have a shot at his tailoring pattern and loot off of Attumen. I hope we can get this resolved because last night was our best night so far, by far. And letting something that seems this trivial ruin it is really disheartening.
EDIT: Maybe we can try to get the rostering thread up earlier -- It didnt go up til really late this week so I dont personally feel like Shadowmagix had a good opportunity to sign up, and I wouldve liked to have seen him main rostered yesterday. That might help see what we have to work with earlier, which might lead to easier rostering.
It isnt easy balancing the desires of more than 13-14 people in an instance for 10 people and I think Holy did a good job for the most part. I think the people that were present who werent guilded, Multanis for instance, more than deserved to be there and Id love to see him grab a guild invite just to quash all the squabbling.
Tal there might not be a way to fix it because I dont see a problem worth fixing. Who was missing out that was complaining? That might be a good place to start. However lets say we swapped someone who is a regular for someone who is new to the instance and isnt prepared for it-- How are we ever going to see progress if we have to re-explain every encounter to someone who isnt geared enough to be extemely useful in it anyhow? I dont really have any names offhand to place into the analogy truthfully, but its more of a worst case scenario.
As for loot, I did as fairly as I could. The drops however, are dictated by what the instance gives us and also, the progress we can attain in it. We just arent getting many Cloth DPS drops, we have recieved to date -- 2 Plate Tanking drops (One of which is a trash mob Boots of Elusion) and 1 DPS Warrior cloak. If someone sits with us in the instance and wipes over and over and over til we down something, yet hasnt recieved loot in 4 weeks or so...and something drops they can use, should I let everyone roll on it (Even those who have already recieved loot) just to make EVERYONE happy?
I.E. -- T4 hands dropped off of Curator. Weatherine hadnt gotten anything in 4 weeks of activity. Popar had been active for two weeks and gotten nothing, Thamelas had recieved 1 piece of loot and been active for 3. I gave the t4 hands to Weatherine. She deserved them and really wanted them as it were. Mail boots dropped in Chess for us that week, which is risk I took when I awarded them to her. So in the end Weatherine got two drops in the same night, but as far as Im concerned -- gratz to her, glad she got what she wanted. I think, overall, loot was handled quite well. If anyone has any questions I have a detailed notebook full of loot information. What dropped of which boss, and when. Also who got it, and how much they have recieved vs how many active weeks they have with us overall.
I just dont see where this problem arose from. Whose unhappy honestly that has a decent gripe about the way things were handled overall? If I had known someone was upset, I would have stepped out -- which I did last night for Shadowmagix so he could maybe have a shot at his tailoring pattern and loot off of Attumen. I hope we can get this resolved because last night was our best night so far, by far. And letting something that seems this trivial ruin it is really disheartening.
EDIT: Maybe we can try to get the rostering thread up earlier -- It didnt go up til really late this week so I dont personally feel like Shadowmagix had a good opportunity to sign up, and I wouldve liked to have seen him main rostered yesterday. That might help see what we have to work with earlier, which might lead to easier rostering.
Proud Co-Founder of the Widely Accepted and Raiderâ„¢ Approved "FIPIA Strategy"
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