12-16-2008, 07:38 PM
Quote:I don't know what to tell you either, then. This isn't a question about the poor quality of American goods, economic nationalism, exploited labour, Global warming, the leaders of America, or any of that.
My point is a simple one about the effects of what the Chinese are doing with their currency, keeping the Yuan within a certain (undervalued) range. If you doubt that they are doing this, then all I can say is look it up, there's pretty strong consensus on this point. The Chinese government, as always is tight lipped about it, as with everything.
This undervaluation is a kind of tariff on imports, and a subsidy on exports. We can't read minds, so we can only speculate as to the *intent* of this policy. Krugman thinks the Chinese just stumbled into it accidentally as part of an attempt to keep their economic ship on an even keel, and now don't want to mess up their unprecedented growth. It's as good an explanation as any. However, what we do know are the *effects*. Those effects are almost certainly against the rules of a body that China voluntarily joined, the WTO.
Did the US get itself into this mess? To some extent, yes, although it takes two to tango, as they say. Would the US benefit from an end to the policy? Maybe. It would lead to a better trade balance in exchange for less ability to borrow at good rates. The effects are understood by all parties. The Chinese government is well aware of how their currency policy is affecting their exports relative to domestic consumption, if only because the US has been shouting it at them for the last decade.
For the record, I'm not disagreeing with anything you or kandrathe are saying in regards to what China is doing, and the effects it's having on our economy here in America. I actually agree 100% with everything you two have said! All I was pointing out was that you two kept repeating the same things over and over and Zenda was trying to say the same thing over and over and it seemed to me like nobody was listening, but everybody was talking. Zenda's points are valid to him, and you to yours, and I see the middle-ground. No need to explain it to me again, because trust me, I understand it. Anyways, I think I'll bow out of this conversation before I get a shoe thrown at me :whistling:.
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin