Today, the topic of Golden Spellthread came up... which essentially reminded me to post this and let you all know where I might, potentially, be able to help out...

Magix is exalted with Aldor and can make the Golden Spellthread, he, wears :-D and, can also make the Battlecast Pants

He also has "most" of the chants for casters (very little for melee, sry)... including the weapon, glove and bracer +dmg ones.

Drexler, is blacksmithing and jewelcrafting... bs is lagging a little, but I can make the Item Set: Enchanted Adamantite Armor, minus the leggings, almost, but not quite exalted yet, of which I have already supplied arrock with the 3 pieces that I can make, and the ring Ring of Arcane Shielding as well as khorium boots, and felsteel helm... JC'ing.. some melee but not much.. I can do all of the blue/purple healing gems (that I know of) and the orange Luminous Noble Topaz... I have a couple talasite patterns learned Enduring Talasite and Radiant Talasite; still working those patterns...

If I can be of any help, just let me know :-D
Drexler: {P}Tank / {S}Ret-A-Din
Nightmagix: DK: DPS / Tank
NatureMagix: Elemental / Healer

Nightshiftr: Boomkin / Healer
Sharpeyez: {Human} Hunter
ShadowMagix: Warlock: DPS / Leveling

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FYI - by Magix - 06-17-2007, 08:48 PM

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