SR Karazhan signup: tuesday 6/5 thursday 6/7
Might I point out that you don't need a Hateful Bolt tank? Here's how it works:

* Curator HBs one of the first four on his aggro list (besides the MT) who has the highest health
* This HB does 4k or so damage
* Curator does not HB frequently, maybe every 5-7 seconds

It's difficult for people to die to HB; however they can die to flare damage on top of being HB'd if they were low on health. We use one healer for the MT, and one doing FFA healing.

If you're set on AR, and you have a feral druid, I can make the Enchanted Clefthoof gear.

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SR Karazhan signup: tuesday 6/5 thursday 6/7 - by Tuftears - 06-11-2007, 07:03 PM

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