SR Karazhan signup: tuesday 6/5 thursday 6/7
Quote:I do have a question regarding future Karazhan runs; Are we ever going to start making this an all Lurker run? Maybe its just me but I noticed that we have guildiees on the waitlist we should be giving them priority. Just my 2cents.

Ona good note; We are getting more people signing up, so that's huge plus. I hope we keep it up.

Re: All Lurker runs ... as the instigator of this little fandango, I can tell you that my goal was to have this be a primarily Lurker run. From the beginning, I posted links to the sign ups at House Harpell, CA and Emeritus, looking for like minded slackers, like me, to take a look at this lustrrous content.

With the exception of a very few, there was no interest from outside the guild. In fact, we couldn't have fielded our first run - well the first one I posted that is - without help from Multanis and Thamelas from Rumors of War, who generously consented to fill up the party. Since then, they have come on every run with us and proven to be good and dedicated players and raid members. Nice guys too! I surely wouldn't be inclined to start WL-ing them now just because they aren't wearing a Lurker tag.

As for the WL, I volunteered to sit out so Popar could go, and Don made it clear that he would be available if he were on line. We all know that Don's first priority is Little Gabriel, therefore he's iffy, therefore WL-ed.

We have our two tanks at this point, and I've already explained to LightHawk that it's likely Sangochan won't be rostered, but I also offered to make an opportunity for Arrock and Holyrain to get to know him. It was understandable to him that his pallie would not be chosen, as Pakse is a Retribution spec Pally.

All that said, there would be little more rewarding to me than to have an All-Lurker run, but I think this is going really well.

By the way, Luis, I don't know if you saw it but I sure did. Your praises were sung loudly by both Winkle and Zyn after last night's run. Grats to all who took down Moroes with not a shackle in sight!

Just another word here as well. In the raids that Winkle has led, every roster has been worked out between the two of us. Winkle relies on my wider knowledge of the group in rostering at this point. So if any WL-ed players ever have questions, I'm happy to talk to you.
[Image: Sabra%20gold%20copy.jpg]

I blame Tal.

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SR Karazhan signup: tuesday 6/5 thursday 6/7 - by Sabra - 06-07-2007, 12:26 AM

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