Fanaticism on an upgraded Headstriker(150%ed +1max dmg/lvl) would beat the upgraded Atlantean(250%ed). See this page by Tommi for calculating ultimate damage. At lvl 66 (req for upgraded Atlantean), the Headstriker will have a 99% chance to do deadly strike on the physical portion of the damage.
The upgraded Atlantean at req lvl 66, (40-52) * 3.5 = (140 - 182) (161 avg).
Roughly the upgraded Headstriker(req lvl 58) at Lvl 66 (same as Upgraded Atlantean, so apples = apples) would do (37-53)*2.5+(1* 66 cLvl) = (160-200) (180 avg).
The premise here is that the additional +34% on fanaticism from the +2 Paladin skills on the Atlantean will yield less than the double damage due to deadly strike.
The banana has the 3-600 elemental which is nothing to sneeze at but won't be factored into the massive physical dmg multipliers.
From Tommi's page;
Assuming Hell Physical resistance is gone, but otherwise same as Tommi's, Str is 150, no imunities, chance to hit = 100%.
DamagePerSecond = WeaponDamage * ((1 + Strength / 100 + MightBonus / 100 + FanaticismBonus / 100 + Deadlystrike/100) + NoOfElements * VengeanceBonus / 100) * 25 / AttackFrames * ChanceToHit / 100
Vengeance DPS = 180 * ((1+150/100 + 300/100 + 475/100 + 99/100) + 3*232/100) * 25/8 *100/100 = 180*((1+1.5+3+4.75+.99)+6.96)*3.125*1 = 180*((11.24)+6.96)*3.125 = 180*56.875 = 10238 / sec.
Zeal DPS = 180 * (1+150/100 + 300/100 + 475/100 + 99/100) * 25/4 *100/100 = 180*11.24*6.25 = 180*70.25 = 12645 / sec.
That is, without a socketed jewel or rune. For comparison, Hell Baal has 69431 hit points.
But, then again -- what will you use prior to being able to uber twink? :D
:) Maybe someone would check my math, but I think it is correct.
The upgraded Atlantean at req lvl 66, (40-52) * 3.5 = (140 - 182) (161 avg).
Roughly the upgraded Headstriker(req lvl 58) at Lvl 66 (same as Upgraded Atlantean, so apples = apples) would do (37-53)*2.5+(1* 66 cLvl) = (160-200) (180 avg).
The premise here is that the additional +34% on fanaticism from the +2 Paladin skills on the Atlantean will yield less than the double damage due to deadly strike.
The banana has the 3-600 elemental which is nothing to sneeze at but won't be factored into the massive physical dmg multipliers.
From Tommi's page;
Assuming Hell Physical resistance is gone, but otherwise same as Tommi's, Str is 150, no imunities, chance to hit = 100%.
DamagePerSecond = WeaponDamage * ((1 + Strength / 100 + MightBonus / 100 + FanaticismBonus / 100 + Deadlystrike/100) + NoOfElements * VengeanceBonus / 100) * 25 / AttackFrames * ChanceToHit / 100
Vengeance DPS = 180 * ((1+150/100 + 300/100 + 475/100 + 99/100) + 3*232/100) * 25/8 *100/100 = 180*((1+1.5+3+4.75+.99)+6.96)*3.125*1 = 180*((11.24)+6.96)*3.125 = 180*56.875 = 10238 / sec.
Zeal DPS = 180 * (1+150/100 + 300/100 + 475/100 + 99/100) * 25/4 *100/100 = 180*11.24*6.25 = 180*70.25 = 12645 / sec.
That is, without a socketed jewel or rune. For comparison, Hell Baal has 69431 hit points.
But, then again -- what will you use prior to being able to uber twink? :D
:) Maybe someone would check my math, but I think it is correct.