Quote:Prot warriors are so specialized, they're not very good in any other role than tanking. Until that problem is addressed, druids will end up DPSing when they'd rather be tanking, and pallies will end up on other stuff *because they can*. Is it right? Not really. Is it likely to continue? Yes.
That's basically it, summarising exactly why I don't play my Bear Druid any more
I'll accept Skan's word that Bears have good threat on adds but they still take more damage. I don't want to come to a raid and dps a bit (as a second-rate rogue), tank a bit (as a second-rate warrior) then heal a bit (as a second-rate healer)
Warriors have three viable raid options: main tank, hybrid dps/tank, and dps. It's ridiculous to favour them because they are a pure class - they clearly aren't. Once everyone's gear upgrades then Warriors as the most scalable class in the game may quite possibly be back to their Naxx status of best tank and best dps. It's utterly biased and unfair
I don't really buy into this Prot Warriors can't do anything else line. Prot is a spec. No other spec receives the same kind of favouritism, some specs are flat out not raid viable. Do Resto Shamans get to be the only viable raid healer because once they're specced Resto they can't do anything else? Warriors always have raid options.
What I think the situation should be is that the tanks who put the most effort in get to tank. Instead it's decided by class not merit. Since TBC came out all of its bright new promises have withered: competitive tanking, options for end-game items which compare with raid loot. I think WoW has proved that you can't change direction midway through the lifetime of a MMO, even if some aspects are stupid and unfair you're stuck with them because once players are used to them they'll fight tooth and nail to keep them