05-27-2007, 08:38 PM
Quote:Yeah, and people feel priests are the kings of healing, rogues are the kings of dps, etc etc. It will take time for people to get used to TBC, but many of us know that druids can be completely badass tanks if geared. Just like a Gruul HS tank is best fulfilled by a druid due to rage generation and physical mitigation, and mages/warlocks tearing up the DPS meters (though I'd like to point out rogues are pretty damn badass in 2.1). But the fundamental problem is this: Feral druids can be brought along on a raid as DPS (not rogue level, but up there) and tanking or healing (as well as battlerezzes/innervates). A prot warrior can only be brought along to tank. Feral having DPS and tanking rolled into one gives them that utility. If you rolled, say, Fury and Prot into the same talent tree, then yes, I'd fully agree that druids should be as capable MTs as a warrior. But as long as warriors have to spec in a way to seriously gimp their DPS to tank, and druids don't, then I think they are right in making warriors the best raid MTs. Give Druids and Paladins roles in tanking any given encounter (OT, add tanking, high physical damage tanking, undead/demon tanking), but a warrior gives up darn close to everything to be a raid level tank.
Though from what I hear, paladins have to give up everything except buffs/decent healing with healer gear to tank, so maybe having undead/demon bosses could be a good way to let the paladin tanks get some work in. Not really sure how to best deal with that, most likely paladin tanks would know the best solutions for that...
Warriors should have the edge on most encounters, but all encounters should be tankable by a druid or a paladin, period. Otherwise they are not viable alternatives to warriors, which the devs claimed they should be.
There's absolutely no reason why the MT spot should always be taken by just one class. No other class in the game gets special treatment on that front, so why on earth should warriors?
Right now, druids are at least viable alternatives on most encounters (though not all; Nightbane sucks). Paladins however need a buff.
Earthen Ring-EU:
Taelas -- 60 Human Protection Warrior; Shaleen -- 52 Human Retribution Paladin; Raethal -- 51 Worgen Guardian Druid; Szar -- 50 Human Fire Mage; Caethan -- 60 Human Blood Death Knight; Danee -- 41 Human Outlaw Rogue; Ainsleigh -- 52 Dark Iron Dwarf Fury Warrior; Mihena -- 44 Void Elf Affliction Warlock; Chiyan -- 41 Pandaren Brewmaster Monk; Threkk -- 40 Orc Fury Warrior; Alliera -- 41 Night Elf Havoc Demon Hunter;
Darkmoon Faire-EU:
Sieon -- 45 Blood Elf Retribution Paladin; Kuaryo -- 51 Pandaren Brewmaster Monk
Taelas -- 60 Human Protection Warrior; Shaleen -- 52 Human Retribution Paladin; Raethal -- 51 Worgen Guardian Druid; Szar -- 50 Human Fire Mage; Caethan -- 60 Human Blood Death Knight; Danee -- 41 Human Outlaw Rogue; Ainsleigh -- 52 Dark Iron Dwarf Fury Warrior; Mihena -- 44 Void Elf Affliction Warlock; Chiyan -- 41 Pandaren Brewmaster Monk; Threkk -- 40 Orc Fury Warrior; Alliera -- 41 Night Elf Havoc Demon Hunter;
Darkmoon Faire-EU:
Sieon -- 45 Blood Elf Retribution Paladin; Kuaryo -- 51 Pandaren Brewmaster Monk