05-25-2007, 02:35 AM
Fluffy is the continuation raid and should be hitting Aran (getting a first kill on him for us), then depending on time my see another new boss or just clean up Chess and Attumen. I know of at least one person who said they will step out for Dhen to get in on Attumen and hope the crossbow drops for him. That raid will have to decide if they want to do that first and just have Dhen there at the start for him or pull Dhen in later.
Bunny should be doing a Moroes, Opera, Curator order then look at time. If that goes smooth they may want to take a poke at Aran and Chess before heading back to Maiden and Attumen. There are a couple of folks in Bunny that have some really good drops they could get from Maiden so she is high on the kill list, but getting a good 'progression' type run where we get more practice trying to get all the quest bosses killed in a single night isn't a bad thing to shoot for. So yeah if we cruise through the firs bosses and people are for it Aran could get a look see, if not we'll get Maiden and Attumen and still get a 5 boss night. :)
Four more notes.
1. We might swap Haldorf and Vinnie, I haven't had a chance to talk with them. Neither is raid locked and both add value to either group.
2. As you'll note I left the labels in but that is just the template I use to make sure I keep rosters balanced. The flex slot get a feral druid as preference (depends on what the attendance queue has of course). Yuri is obviously not a hunter, but he offers CC and ranged DPS so is in that slot. Fazuul is very likely the MT or OT and Iceler as fury will very likely just be pure DPS, but we'll let that decision get made by those folks.
3. Shim will very likely get to fill in late with how schedules work. She isn't raid locked and I think the bosses that both raids will likely be looking at at the end could be new for her. We'll figure that out when we get there.
4. I'll have a post in this thread that will have a basic plan of attack for Bunny (and maybe Fluffy if that raid wants me to work it up as well) so that we can have less chat more splat. We want to go fast, just not reckless.
Fluffy Bunny
MT Geld MT Tiga
OT Sham OT Iceler
Flex Keshoga Flex Fazuul
MH1 Dunar MH1 Tori
MH2 Moors MH2 Saryn
Regen Xarhud Regen Mogo
Hunter Yuri Hunter Marn
Mage Haldorf Mage Mist
DPS Kaydoll DPS Vinnie
DPS Frost DPS Felonius
Waitlist: Dhen
Shimoyake (late fill in)
Fluffy is the continuation raid and should be hitting Aran (getting a first kill on him for us), then depending on time my see another new boss or just clean up Chess and Attumen. I know of at least one person who said they will step out for Dhen to get in on Attumen and hope the crossbow drops for him. That raid will have to decide if they want to do that first and just have Dhen there at the start for him or pull Dhen in later.
Bunny should be doing a Moroes, Opera, Curator order then look at time. If that goes smooth they may want to take a poke at Aran and Chess before heading back to Maiden and Attumen. There are a couple of folks in Bunny that have some really good drops they could get from Maiden so she is high on the kill list, but getting a good 'progression' type run where we get more practice trying to get all the quest bosses killed in a single night isn't a bad thing to shoot for. So yeah if we cruise through the firs bosses and people are for it Aran could get a look see, if not we'll get Maiden and Attumen and still get a 5 boss night. :)
Four more notes.
1. We might swap Haldorf and Vinnie, I haven't had a chance to talk with them. Neither is raid locked and both add value to either group.
2. As you'll note I left the labels in but that is just the template I use to make sure I keep rosters balanced. The flex slot get a feral druid as preference (depends on what the attendance queue has of course). Yuri is obviously not a hunter, but he offers CC and ranged DPS so is in that slot. Fazuul is very likely the MT or OT and Iceler as fury will very likely just be pure DPS, but we'll let that decision get made by those folks.
3. Shim will very likely get to fill in late with how schedules work. She isn't raid locked and I think the bosses that both raids will likely be looking at at the end could be new for her. We'll figure that out when we get there.
4. I'll have a post in this thread that will have a basic plan of attack for Bunny (and maybe Fluffy if that raid wants me to work it up as well) so that we can have less chat more splat. We want to go fast, just not reckless.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.