05-22-2007, 02:13 PM
Quote:And yet, in my little rinky-dink town here in Missouri, I get gasps of amazement from damned near everyone I work with when they find out that I walk to work every day. It's a short 15-20 minutes and they're flat out amazed that anyone would walk "that far". "Why walk when you have a car?" There are very, very few people that I've spoken to here that don't drive everywhere; some of them don't even walk to the mailbox at the end of the driveway (and no, these aren't driveways that are a mile long either:P).Well there must be a difference between there and here. When I was living in the U-district in Seattle, everyone walked all over the place. However, that was largely because shopping needs were within 20-30 minutes of walking time. If you live in that sort of an area, great. Where I live now, I am several miles from the store and walking takes over an hour to get there. I would consider spending that much of the day to walk to a store (and then have to carry the groceries back) to be unreasonable. But if people are driving a few hundred yards down the road, then I suppose there is some room for improvement, there. :)