05-20-2007, 05:41 PM
Quote:...The primary (indeed often only) gas savings mechanism in hybrids is the recovery of energy when decelerating and breaking, energy that would otherwise only been converted to heat...I agree with that point. I remember as a boy looking in my popular mechanics magazine at the momentum conservation devices soon (20 years ago) to be included in US automobiles. I'm still waiting. I think it is still because Detroit views an auto as a huge stylish disposable razor, and has no interest in engineering it to last. I might be willing to spend more on an auto if I would know that it would retain it's value over a 30 year lifespan.
Quote:For another thing, it makes a lot more sense to put carbon mitigating mechanisms on large, stationary structures rather than on individual automobiles (where, in addition to cost, they add maintenance requirements, and weight).I know they have scrubbers for removing most of the heavy metals and SO2, but what do they do to mitigate CO2? I don't think at this time any power plants try to sequester CO2.
I agree that the future of clean energy will depend on hydro and nuclear.