06-02-2003, 10:59 PM
Currently the machine I am using is an Imac G3 400 MHZ with 192 RAM. I am sincerely thinking about ordering DII LoD at the moment the vicious 1.10 patch comes out.
Well, what kind of of problems/disorder am I likely to experience running the game given my specs? ( Not to mention the fact that my connection is dial-up, which would make MP a "little" bit laggy... )
Thanks in advance for the replies.
Currently the machine I am using is an Imac G3 400 MHZ with 192 RAM. I am sincerely thinking about ordering DII LoD at the moment the vicious 1.10 patch comes out.
Well, what kind of of problems/disorder am I likely to experience running the game given my specs? ( Not to mention the fact that my connection is dial-up, which would make MP a "little" bit laggy... )
Thanks in advance for the replies.
Except in pure mathematics, nothing is known for certain (although much is certainly false).
Carl Sagan, "The Demon Haunted World"
Carl Sagan, "The Demon Haunted World"