I Really need advice concerning to attributes!
I like Saitou too, but I just think Enishi is more exotic... I haven't seen him fighting yet... Yahiko has just defeated Otowa in the Brazilian version... But anyway... Hey, could you please give me an example of Enishi's accent in English?
Well, about the necromancer, I'm having a really good time payn with him... Amplify Damage, Iron Maiden and Blood Golen are making me a lot of experience. Even though they have only 1 point, they're very useful... I'll max Corpse Explosion, but I intend to do it later, when I have enough mana to use it almost all the times. I'll max Golem Mastery and Fire Golem. However, I'm still in level 19... It will take some time until I can get to 30, as the computer in which I play Diablo II LoD is in my cousin's house...
Well, thank you very much for the advices!

Messages In This Thread
I Really need advice concerning to attributes! - by Enishi Yukishiro - 06-01-2003, 11:22 PM

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