04-18-2007, 01:41 PM
Quote:Maybe in your fantasy tyrannical state. No thanks Mr. Stalin.
So you agree you can't see beforehand if someone is going to use a gun for bad purposes?
Anyway, if you consider Holland as a tyranical state because we can't buy guns, I guess you are the one with the twisted worldview. Averageday Holland is safer than average US.
The weapon idea is the same thing happening with those massive SUVs. People (apart from having small male organs :D) buy them because they are supposed to be safer then normal cars.....especially when you are in them. But of course when everybody drives an SUV the advantage is gone....so what next? Everybody goes around in a tank? Anyway at the same time the death toll among cyclist and pedestrians rise, because you absolutely don't stand a chance when you are hit buy a 2000 kg car going 50 km/h (that is a 453683sqp/inch floz car going 363.474Mpfeetgallon per second squared). Bringing more deadly things in a society will never yield less victims. But because everybody thinks he himself is a good shot or he himself will never use a gun 'just like that' everybody things he buys safety.....this survival of the fittest is of course highly questionable.