Fantasy Book Recommendation
Quote:Thank you, everybody, for your suggestions! I haven't read most of what was mentioned, so maybe I'll just point her towards this list! I'm currently on book two of the Sword of Truth series, and I love it so far (a little too much torture... but it's still good). I want to read the Wheel of Time series, but I think I'll wait until it's finished or the author is dead. Whichever comes first.

I know people are probably going to hate me for this, but I couldn't read The Fellowship of the Ring because it bored me. I read the Hobbit and loved it, but I just couldn't get into Fellowship. The whole thing with Frodo getting the One Ring and then waiting around for another 15 years kind of irritated me.

I don't think my friend is a heavy reader, but she reads more than the average person (meaning, she actually has read a book before). She says she likes books about "life." She also thinks elves and all that stuff are silly. In some books, yes, I'd agree with her, but some authors do it so right!

Would anybody agree that David Eddings' Belgariad series would be a good starting point? And while we're at it, anybody have any book suggestions outside of the fantasy or sci-fi genre?


I'd definitely recommend Eddings as a good starting point. It's a very easy to read style of writing. Plus, with 5 books in the Belgariad, 5 more in the Mallorean, the Elenium and Tamuli trilogies and a myriad of other books there's plenty to keep the reader busy.

Messages In This Thread
Fantasy Book Recommendation - by Brascait - 03-24-2007, 04:20 AM
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