Opinions on Pan's Labyrinth by those who've seen it?
I just saw the movie, so I can finally click on this thread.:) I thought that it was really masterfully done. Sure I would have liked to know more about the eye-hand guy, but a lot of the fantasy drew enough upon common mythology that they didn't need to explain things in great detail.

I don't think that the rebels were depicted as excessively good. It was certainly made clear that they shot their wounded just as readily, for example. The abject brutality wasn't there, but that really only existed in one man, as far as the movie went. I personally feel that it came down hard on humanity in general, rather than on one side or another.
Why can't we all just get along


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Opinions on Pan's Labyrinth by those who've seen it? - by Griselda - 03-10-2007, 07:28 AM

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