Not Yours to Give
In my state the bumpersticker motto seems to be "freedom isn't free" and yet every year when the bill comes around to improve teacher's pay and improve education opportunities that switches pretty quickly to "f*$% that"

"Freedom isn't free" seems to be a popular notion as long as people can idealize it with the blood of martyrs but when it comes down to funding the structures and systems that support and maintain these freedoms on a day to day basis (just as do the soldiers, patriots, etc.) people turn tail and hide. "freedom isn't free" all too quickly turns to "government is taking my s#$&!"

Messages In This Thread
Not Yours to Give - by kandrathe - 02-22-2007, 05:55 AM
Not Yours to Give - by SwissMercenary - 02-22-2007, 07:49 AM
Not Yours to Give - by Occhidiangela - 02-22-2007, 05:02 PM
Not Yours to Give - by eppie - 02-22-2007, 05:49 PM
Not Yours to Give - by Swiss Mercenary - 02-22-2007, 05:52 PM
Not Yours to Give - by eppie - 02-22-2007, 05:52 PM
Not Yours to Give - by ShadowHM - 02-22-2007, 07:10 PM
Not Yours to Give - by Chesspiece_face - 02-22-2007, 09:22 PM
Not Yours to Give - by Nystul - 02-22-2007, 10:56 PM
Not Yours to Give - by SwissMercenary - 02-23-2007, 04:33 AM
Not Yours to Give - by Taem - 02-23-2007, 06:12 AM
Not Yours to Give - by kandrathe - 03-05-2007, 01:31 PM
Not Yours to Give - by kandrathe - 03-05-2007, 01:49 PM
Not Yours to Give - by Jester - 03-05-2007, 05:22 PM
Not Yours to Give - by eppie - 03-05-2007, 09:06 PM
Not Yours to Give - by SwissMercenary - 03-06-2007, 12:02 AM
Not Yours to Give - by kandrathe - 03-06-2007, 08:41 AM
Not Yours to Give - by eppie - 03-06-2007, 10:31 AM
Not Yours to Give - by Sir_Die_alot - 03-06-2007, 02:42 PM
Not Yours to Give - by kandrathe - 03-06-2007, 04:03 PM
Not Yours to Give - by SwissMercenary - 03-06-2007, 04:55 PM
Not Yours to Give - by Occhidiangela - 03-06-2007, 06:31 PM
Not Yours to Give - by Delc - 03-06-2007, 06:49 PM
Not Yours to Give - by SwissMercenary - 03-06-2007, 07:29 PM
Not Yours to Give - by eppie - 03-06-2007, 07:44 PM
Not Yours to Give - by eppie - 03-06-2007, 07:49 PM
Not Yours to Give - by kandrathe - 03-07-2007, 06:49 AM
Not Yours to Give - by Griselda - 03-07-2007, 02:10 PM
Not Yours to Give - by ShadowHM - 03-07-2007, 03:43 PM
Not Yours to Give - by SwissMercenary - 03-07-2007, 04:03 PM
Not Yours to Give - by kandrathe - 03-07-2007, 04:27 PM
Not Yours to Give - by kandrathe - 03-07-2007, 04:55 PM
Not Yours to Give - by SwissMercenary - 03-07-2007, 05:50 PM
Not Yours to Give - by Jester - 03-07-2007, 06:17 PM
Not Yours to Give - by kandrathe - 03-08-2007, 02:49 AM
Not Yours to Give - by Chesspiece_face - 03-08-2007, 03:28 AM
Not Yours to Give - by Griselda - 03-08-2007, 05:22 AM
Not Yours to Give - by kandrathe - 03-09-2007, 06:13 AM
Not Yours to Give - by Griselda - 03-09-2007, 06:30 AM
Not Yours to Give - by kandrathe - 03-09-2007, 06:41 AM
Not Yours to Give - by kandrathe - 03-09-2007, 06:52 AM

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