Quote:I am not debating whether or not The International Academy is a good school, I know it is a fantastic educational facility but it shouldn't be ranked number one simply because of a ratio that is given when all Juniors/Seniors at said school are FORCED to take AP/IB exams.
Reminds me of the time I found out what the "National Honor Roll" I received for taking the AMC 12 was.
Quote:The National Honor Roll cutoff score, 100 out of 150 possible points, is typically attained or surpassed by fewer than 3% of all participants.
"Only 3%? What is this, a joke?" was the first reaction I had while chatting with my friend about the contest results.
"Well, either participants south of the boarder are generally horrible at these, or too many people were forced in to taking it," we thought.
Looks like we were right in some respects.
Not to brag, but reflecting back to the exam itself and the results of my friends and I, only 3% of the participants receiving that status is pathetic if not only dissapointing.
Personally, IB has a very bad impression on me, simply due to my ex-girlfriend. Spoiled, self-centered, thinks-she's-better-than-everyone-else-because-her-IB-English-teacher-gave-her-a-90-on-an-essay, and dumb as a brick. Not to mention rude, inconsiderate, and egocentric. Oh, did I mention that already? We've been apart for close to nine months now (or is it just over?) and I still wonder what I saw in her in the first place...
Granted, that is only one person's impression, and in no-way applies to anyone else (or so I hope).
My high-school "doesn't believe in IB" and I don't blame them -- sometimes programs like that ruins the school community and only serve to distance the "spoiled nerd-wannabes". Then again, some of them do deserve it...