Terenas Lurkers - Pristine Hide of the Beast
I have no interest in it. My thoughts are that the only thing worth making with it is the Breastplate of Bloodthrist. The legs with how spirit works for a druid just seem pretty pointless I mean the Luminary Kilt which is pretty easily farmed in BRD is better for a druid in my opinion. Though if someone wants to make one and no one else wants something I won't care.

The crown has some uses for caster crit builds, it's clearly better than most of the easily farmed crit helms (from non raid content), but I'm not sure how many casters would want +spell crit without any +damage on the helm. And really it's only like 1% more crit than a crown of the ogre king but it is clearly better.

The breastplate is a very good druid tank piece and not bad for rogues. You can argue the PvP stuff is better but well not everyone has interest in that. My opinion is that it is the best item to use the hide for compared to other blue farmable stuff.

Selling it on the AH is an option and spliting gold out to guild members or whoever, but most of us don't seem to be hurting all that bad for money and I'm much rather see the item used. Again just my opinion.

Finally in my opinion I would give preference to a main who isn't expecting to get the X-Pac, has little interest in PvP (or doesn't have the time) and doesn't really have the chance to raid much. Of course I'm cluttering the thread where the main intent is to see who might want the item, but I'm just putting my opinion out there on some of it.

Everyone should feel free to post any interest they have in it, we will then discuss and we'll get the hide to someone and help you get the other mats for it, just like we did with the chromatic carapaces that dropped.

I'm hoping that there is still someone out there that has a good interest in this rare little gem but well with all the new toys Blizzard has added to the game it's value has dropped. :)
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.

Messages In This Thread
Terenas Lurkers - Pristine Hide of the Beast - by Kevin - 01-03-2007, 08:35 AM

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