The Evolution of Diablo continues...
It got quite silent over at, but the project hasn't reached its full potential yet, so just in time for the celebration of the 10th Anniversary (Diablo may have went gold on the 28th of December, but it was released on January the 2nd) I've prepared the 10 Years of Diablo - The Anniversary Thread over at the Diablo Evolution Forums, which includes previews for nearly every upcoming content-update!

There should be something available for everyone, from interviews with a developer to additional quest and monster discoveries, even some information about playable content is to be found.

Well, I'd really hope, that some of you guys will enjoy it...

A happy new year as well as 10th Anniversary wishes,


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The Evolution of Diablo continues... - by trimayne - 01-02-2007, 06:22 AM

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